Plant Multi-fuel Upgrade
Versatile LPP Combustion Power Systems

Upgrading power plants with Multi-fuel capability serves as a blackout avoidance and fuel-cost management measure to keep electric rates low and power reliable.
Multi-fuel capability of LPP Combustion equipment broadens options for fuel procurement, allowing for selection of lowest-cost fuels. Lower fuel costs, in turn, bring down the cost of the electricity produced.
Already in-place gas-turbine power stations can be easily upgraded to multi-fuel capability via installation of the modular LPP Combustion front-end equipment.
The LPP Combustion Fuel Preparation Unit attaches to the standard fuel-intake of the gas-turbine without modification to the gas-turbine.
High-energy-density liquid fuels stored on-site give power producers low-cost options during times of constrained natural gas supply when gas prices spike - without triggering air quality violations as is currently the case with diesel fuel use.
LPP Combustion equipment enables low-emissions use of diesel and other liquid fuels, ensuring compliance with air-quality regulations - even with extended use to provide base-load power.
Additional cost savings are realized in that power plant owners can forego a costly 'dual-fuel upgrade' which would otherwise be needed to use diesel fuel in a gas-turbine generator.
Use of LPP Combustion fuel-preparation equipment has the added benefit of reducing over-all maintenance costs as compared to traditional use of liquid fuels like diesel.
When configured in highly-efficient 'combined-cycle' mode with heat-recovery equipment (HRSG), LPP Combustion fuel-preparation equipment can fuel duct-burners with liquid fuels to improve system efficiency even more.