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Electric Vehicle Charging

Versatile LPP Combustion Power Systems

LPP Combustion Power Systems use liquid fuels more efficiently than car engines.  Roughly speaking:

Fuel for 1 Diesel Car ≈ Power for 2 Electric Cars

LPP Combustion Fuel Preparation Skid

Modular, front-end, add-on unit upgrades in-place gas-turbine or boiler to multi-fuel capability.

LPP Combustion Power System

The special-order turnkey LPP Combustion multi-fuel power system includes a modular LPP Combustion Fuel Preparation Skid integrated with a new (COTS) gas-turbine.

LPP Combustion Fuel Preparation Skid - Biofuel

Modular, front-end, add-on unit upgrades in-place gas-turbine or boiler for biofuel capability - optimized for bio-ethanol or bio-diesel.

LPP Combustion Power System - Biofuel

The special-order LPP Combustion biofuel power system includes a modular LPP Combustion Fuel Preparation Skid integrated with a new (COTS) gas-turbine.  Optimized for bio-ethanol or bio-diesel.

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Charging electric vehicles with power generated from liquid fuels is more fuel-efficient than putting the fuels into the car tank.  Lower emissions are icing-on-the-cake.

Gas-turbine power systems (GTCC) with LPP Combustion multi-fuel capability are able to burn diesel fuel with (more-or-less) double the fuel-efficiency of the car engine.

LPP Combustion power systems yield emissions on par with natural gas - even when fueled with diesel.  Diesel-fueled cars produce high levels of soot, polluting the air - especially in cities.

High-efficiency multi-fuel power generation fosters electric vehicle adoption.

The fuel put into the tank of a diesel car could be otherwise used to produce enough electricity to power two electric vehicles the same distance, roughly speaking.

Getting two car trips for the price of one is especially important for islands where all the fuel is imported.  The same amount of fuel imported supports twice the number of cars.

Fuel-diversity supports expansion of the low-emissions natural gas power portfolio segment.  Power plants with multi-fuel capability are afforded a broad range of options for fuel.  Fuel-agnostic equipment reduces fuel-supply risk, making gas-turbine power generation an even better choice to produce electricity. 

The multi-fuel capability of LPP Combustion equipment eases fuel procurement for the power plant and, in turn, for the transportation sector.  Use of lower-cost alternative fuels for power generation also lower electric vehicle charging costs for consumers and businesses.

LPP Combustion equipment enables low-emissions use of diesel fuel, extending also to the transportation sector the emissions reductions achieved in the utility sector where compliance with air-quality regulations is mandated.

In-place gas-turbine power systems can be up-graded to multi-fuel capability via installation of the modular LPP Combustion front-end Fuel Preparation Skid which attaches to the standard fuel-intake of the gas-turbine without modification.


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